Contact by e-Mail
Please contact your RRD business contact if your iViewXT account is disabled, you cannot retrieve a lost password or you do not have access to function or content within the portal.
Please contact your RRD business contact if data is missing from iViewXT report or enquiry you are running.

You can contact iViewXT Technical Support on or if you have any comments or suggestions send them by e-mail to

To send feedback online go to the Feedback page and complete the details (you will be required to log on first).

When contacting RR Donnelley Technical Support please include the following information in your e-mail, to aid in the identification and resolution of your problem.
  • Your Name (iView User Name).
  • Your Company Name.
  • E-Mail address.
  • Contact phone number.
  • Date and time error occurred.
  • Urgency (5 critical function is not working, 1 minor inconvenience).
  • Name of iViewXT function where problem exists (include the URL).
  • Details of problem (Include text of Screen Error Message, Copy and Paste it into the e-mail).
  • Example, Conditions, particular values used for report, etc. if applicable.
  • Any additional comments.